

When you have a creative profession, doesn’t matter what exactly, it has to be your passion. Sounds obvious, but what I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t assume that you’ll get rich. When you think you’ve found the product that’ll make you famous, be prepared that you might be disappointed.

Of course there are exceptions, people who are successful and can do and make whatever they like and everyone loves it. But there are thousands of creative people and those famous ones are just a few.

My first attempt were the Oekies. Cute illustrations that I created a whole world for and various products. Excited I had a bunch of things printed and started peddling them everywhere. But unfortunately it didn’t take. 98% of the products are still gathering duts in the attic. I learned a lot from all of this, especially what not to do.

This is not intended to demotivate you, who knows, you might be the exception! But be realistic, don’t invest everything you’ve got: try to do it as cheap as possible and not too much. Should it take off, you can always increase. What I’m really trying to say is, that being successful in a creative profession is not only based on talent, but also hard work, timing and luck. And maybe the most important message: If you’re not an instant succes, doesn’t mean you’re not talented.

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